Million, the little chihuahua with Napoleon complex, has drastically changed his personality since his friend and so called "owner", Danny, left to Peru for five months. Million stays by the shore in front of the house checking to see if Danny may come out of the water, then he comes over by the kitchen and stays quiet, ears low, longing eyes, just staring adrift, probably wondering if Danny is ever coming back. Anthony, the nine year old boy, has left too but only to Monteverde for a week with his family and I find myself missing him just like Million misses Danny. How can such simple daily exchanges have so much impact? I really didn't expect to miss Anthony this much, but I do. I think he might have gotten back today, I saw his family's car back in the garage, perhaps, he'll stop by later.
Aside from that, I accidentally stepped on my foot after running for five meters and now I have a swollen and black ankle. Not being enough, I decided to grab some waves with just one fin, since my left ankle is pretty chubby and can't afford to wear one. After struggling like a mother fucker on the line up to paddle down a wave just with half of my legs' strength, I finally picked the perfect one, green, curvy and smooth, checked that is was clear, started going down with a smile inside, and that's when I was hit by a board and its American surfer who got late into the wave and didn't see me. All good, now I have a swollen head to match my foot. After a longer wait and some precaution, I went down a crappy little one and left back to the sand thinking that I really need to change my ticket and extend my stay two more weeks. Pura vida.