Here we go again. Girl meets boy. Girl thinks he’s the first and last. Girl falls in a heartbeat love with boy. Boy falls for girl too. They love. They hold hands through crowds and tap dance under rainy skies. They live two worlds in one and share dreams into cloudy orgasms. Boy and girl believe. They believe in everything they can be-live. Boy and girl overflow into songs, poetry, written words and wet kisses. They meet, they learn, they grow with one another. Boy and girl get to get used to each other. Girl starts wondering if she loves him too much. Girl thinks he got too used to her. Girl finds herself often overbearing and wishes to be more mysterious, maybe even reserved. Girl is not reserved. She is out there. Spread open flesh throbbing on the table. Girl exposes everything and loves with no tomorrow. Boy loves her back without further complexity. Girl starts not feeling loved enough. There are thousands reasons. Whatever reasons. She will find reasons–or maybe just excuses. Girl looks up at the fool moon and drifts into confusion. She howls at th universe and longs for more. Her heart has been mostly beating in irregular frequencies. Boy watches but doesn’t see it. Girl has galaxies within her chest, orbiting infinite black holes. Girl wonders why she wonders so much, why she wanders. Boy moves along unaware of hurricane. Boy is content on the surface. Perhaps, boy is content within. Girl wants more. Boy is not enough. It’s never enough. Girl sheds chaos over their bed. She scatters her scars and longings over Egyptian cotton sheets, cutting its threads with her broken will. Girl gets overwhelmed with her own intensities. Girl throws all through the window and runs away. Girl always runs away. Girl sprints route-less without ever looking back.
Girl starts over.
Boy still hasn’t understood.
Has she?
And no, there is no happy ending on this one.