She comes out of her steel truck
Moving her sovereignty slowly
She walks calmly
Like she was one of us
She doesn't bother our mindless presence
She doesn't mind our differences
She is there quietly eating
And we suddenly walk in like a sect
Poking her
Taking pictures
Standing around like curious monkeys
Interrupting her peaceful world of instincts
With random commands and stupid orders
all it matters is our shallow satisfaction
She doesn't mind our hostile humanity
Dipped in sorrow and infatuation
She is there
Simply being
I watch her awareness
She looks distracted with her meal
But every civilian move is noted with a head nod
She's gentle
She subtly chooses to allow us being around her
I'm lost in her
Fulfilled with respect and curiosity
I feel her power
Her age
her wisdom
I feel her patience and peace
Massive as she is
Taking her time
She is here and only here
There is no past or future but instincts
All the years she's been on this earth
I'm standing in eerie
Intrigued by the life she leads
Wondering the world through her eyes and paws
I think about every single one of the scars she carries on her thick skin
I wonder how does she feels
How much she knows
There she is
So foreign to this movie crew
There right on top of her
Taking their Kodak moments with the elephant
While not seeing her at all
Don't they know
Don't they understand
I'm fascinated
More compelled to her than any human in this crew
Wishing I had a little more of her "elephance" in me
I'm left here
Wishing it was just me and her
Learning our similarities
Without intruding our differences
Me and her
Just here and now
Me and her
Just being